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saganich's avatar

Beaquoy Farm Project - a commission



A commission which has been keeping me busy during the evenings of last two weeks.
A2 size, PITT pens and watercolours. Click for as long as you're getting the '+' sign.
(NOTE: this is an overhead photo, the piece is too big to fit in a scanner)


:bulletred: STEP 1
Use your tracking skills to follow directions given by your client ("...go down the Main Street, take the third turn on the left into Elm Street..." ;)) until you reach your destination, and obtain a very blurry satellite photo of the locale via Google Earth:
birdseye by saganich

:bulletred: STEP 2
Have your client take photos of the premises on several occasions. First at random, then by demand - from specific spots and to specific directions, and of specific details. Some 120-ish photos in total will do. :D
photosPLZ by saganichBQ Collage by saganich

:bulletred: STEP 3
Even though it's around 2,000 km (1,200 miles) air distance away from where you're at, recreate the locale as faithfully and as accurately as possible, regarding heights, widths, slopes, angles, distances and proportions.

:bulletred: STEP 4
Mail it to Orkney islands, Scotland, to be framed and hanged on a wall.

:bulletred: STEP 5
Wave toward the house at the bottom middle part of the picture.
Because my good (and generous) friend :iconsheepslave: lives there. :thanks:

ze inks:
Beaquoy inks by saganich
Image size
2000x1387px 934.14 KB
Canon EOS 450D
Shutter Speed
1/21 second
Focal Length
27 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Dec 24, 2011, 5:04:27 PM
Sensor Size
© 2011 - 2024 saganich
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NoeAguirre's avatar
this makes me happy :)